Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wow!!!!!! Just...WOW.

There are only a handful of moments in my life where I truly felt blessed. Yesterday, I had one of those moments, as I saw my little one kickboxing inside my uterus. And then I heard the magical swoosh-swoosh of its heartbeat for the very first time on the Doppler and I thought, "Surely, it can't get much better than this!"

But it does!!!

In less than 29 weeks (*panic*), we will be welcoming our firstborn and adding to our family (move over Kaya!). Having already had one miscarriage under my belt, I realize now that having a baby is not something that should ever be taken for granted. A healthy baby, above all, is truly life's most precious gift. And I'm humbled and overjoyed and blessed to be given this gift and wonder what good I could have possibly done to deserve this.

Seriousness aside, I do have two ultrasound pictures from yesterday's visit! The ultrasound tech gave me the "crappy" ones she couldn't use, but I still love them all the same. Here's my personal favorite:

Is it just me or does it look like McBaby is smoking a cigar? I guess we're going to have to have a little cigarette/alcohol/drugs talk sooner rather than later...

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